Wenhu Chen [陈文虎 in Chinese]![]() Assistant Professor at Computer Science at University of WaterlooVector Institute, CIFAR AI ChairSenior Research Scientist at Google Deepmind (20% Part-time)Email: wenhuchen [at] uwaterloo [dot] ca Google Scholar  /  CV (updated in Jan 25)  /  Github  /  Twitter BiographyWenhu Chen has been an assistant professor at Computer Science Department in University of Waterloo and Vector Institute since 2022. He obtained Canada CIFAR AI Chair Award in 2022. He also works for Google Deepmind as a part-time research scientist since 2021. Before that, he obtained his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara under the supervision of William Wang and Xifeng Yan. His research interest lies in natural language processing, deep learning and multimodal learning. He aims to design models to handle complex reasoning scenarios like math problem-solving, structure knowledge grounding, etc. He is also interested in building more powerful multimodal models to bridge different modalities. He received the Area Chair Award in AACL-IJCNLP 2023, the Best Paper Honorable Mention in WACV 2021, and the UCSB CS Outstanding Dissertation Award in 2021.Research InterestMy research interest covers the following aspects:
Research HighlightsYou might have heard of me because of the following work I conducted.1. Natural Language Processing (LLMs)
2. Multimodal (Image + Video + Music)
3. Benchmarks & Evaluation
TIGER LabI direct the Text and Image GEnerative Research (TIGER) lab. My lab is focused on studying different generative models in different modalities including text, images, videos and music. We are committed to building powerful state-of-the-art models for various domains. Our lab is always looking for talented and self-motivated students. M-A-PI am one of the founding member of Multimodal Art Projection (M-A-P), which is an opensource research community. The coummnity members are working on Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) topics, including text, audio, and vision modalities. We do large language/music/multimodal models (LLMs/LMMs) training, data collection, and development of fun applications. Awards